DVD Burner (NIMk)

2012 Performance

DVD Burner (NIMk) was a solo performance commissioned by the Netherlands Media Art Institute to mark it’s last event before funding cuts forced it to amalgamate with Smart Project Space Amsterdam.

A site-specific work inviting audience members to reflect a laser beam of light around the room using DVD discs gathered from the extensive and historical video art archive of NIMk.

This performance fuses the physical nature of the archival object with the spoken names of the artists and the public that is needed to sustain an archive. These social relationships are physicalised under the guise of a mock room-scale DVD apparatus.

Thanks to all at NIMk. This place was one of the reasons I moved to Amsterdam. I miss it. Special thanks to Theus Zwakhals, Petra Heck, Joke Ballintijn, Olga Westrate.

The Last Event @ NIMK featured performances by Mark Bain, Justin Bennett, JODI, Germaine Kruip, Pawel Kruk, Jonathan Reus, Rosa Menkman and Emile Zile.

October 19, 2012. Amsterdam.