Goodiepal has a mission. Goodiepal is a brilliant thinker. Take Goodiepal seriously.
I first met Goodiepal at Impakt festival in Utrecht 2005 CE. At the time he was traveling with a mechanical bird and a constellation of model planets. The performance he enacted was beguilling, charming, open and expansive, the audience in the small theatre were utterly transfixed. I then travelled with Annemiek and Goodiepal to Rotterdam where he performed at De Player the following night.
I find him utterly engrossing and provocative, and recently had the pleasure of another ascent into Goodiepal’s theories, this time at the weekly sound art session DNK in Amsterdam. A hyper-extended theory of time and space, music creation and digital transmission, evolution, memes, genes and dreams. The intelligences of water and electricity, the future of recorded music and electronic music composition. His condensed school program ‘mort aux vaches extra ekstra’ can be sourced from the following location, get comfortable and prepare for primitive future shock: