My new video Five Production Company Logos in 3D is showing in Melbourne at Dianne Tanzer gallery + projects in April 2011. Philip Brophy wrote a catalogue essay available at the show or online at PhilipBrophy_EgoLogos.html
An excerpt…
Emile Zile’s Five Production Company Logos In 3D presents an imaginary ‘real man’ behind these grandiose charades born of selfimportant declaration. Just as design company CEOs probably come in their pants when they look at their Maya-rendered fonts casting shadows on planets, so are Emile’s hands ‘working magic’ as he performs aerial jack-offs synchronised to Adam Milburn’s gilded melodic refrains. His hysterical hand movements hilariously replicate the excessive overload of those corporate logos which move around like Jane Fonda doing Zumba on crack. Best of all, it simply looks like Emile is masturbating as if he uses some amazing technique to whack a super load into our faces. Which is exactly what the proud designers of those gleaming chromed star-cruiser logo-ships imagine they’re doing. And a grand tradition it is, for what is Coke’s ‘dynamic ribbon’ but the allusion to a frothy foaming cum shot.

April 2 – 23, 2011
Diane Tanzer gallery + projects
108-110 Gertrude St. Fitzroy
Melbourne Australia