DJ/VJ set for Netherlands Institute for Media Art’s evening of demonstrations and presentations of new interfaces, models of interaction and performance technology.
At this evening session the Interface Studies Group will present the ‘interface’ as the centre of technology mediated experience and will reveal trends, notions and tangible prototypes that stretch and challenge the still predominant screen – spectator arrangement.
In contrast with traditional cinema and TV, in what may be called the ‘post-PC’ era, mobile and haptic interfaces and Reactive Environments are putting the embodied presence of the user back on stage. By engaging other senses and modalities such as touch, voice, movement and mobility and by taking into account the user’s sensorial and affective dimensions, new forms of interaction, knowledge production, and forms of sociality are made possible.

Location: Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk)
Keizersgracht 264, Amsterdam.
Date: Friday June 18, 2010
Doors Open 8:00 p.m.
Program Begins 8:30 p.m. (in English)
Entrance free, Please Register at