An idea whose time has come, collective self-immolation of all trappings of web2.0. An idea that was banging around Tbos head and mine last week. Happy to see the excellent Worm venue in Rotterdam tuning into the zeitgeist.
Screw your newyears resolutions and dive into 2009 with a collective Web2.0 suicide! WORM’s own medialab moddr_ has conjured up a machine that lets you delete all your energy sucking social-networking profiles, kill your fake virtual friends, and completely do away with your Web2.0 alterego. We provide you with an opportunity to escape back into reality through an *actual* social event, with real people and real drinks at a real bar … meatspace that is.
No need anymore for your MySpace to be LinkedIn to your FaceBook, just bring your usernames and passwords and join in on WORM’s Cyber_Catharsis 2009!”
Fri 09 Jan / door opens @ 21:00u / start @ 21:00 / free
Dive into 2009 with a collective Web2.0 suicide!