In November UNICEF and The One Minutes Foundation Amsterdam invited me to Nigeria to run a video workshop with local high-schoolers, together with Karen, a UNICEF facilitator from New York and Floor, a video artist from Rotterdam. One week of intensity. One minute video workshop. The kids brought their ideas. We helped them plan, shoot and edit their concepts into 60 second videos. Machine gun escort from the airport. Food highlights: Moin moin, Joelof rice, Fried plantain. Searching the local food market in 35 degree heat. Sampling spices and curry powder. Screen culture highlights: raiding the local VCD seller for new ‘Nollywood’ releases, music video compilations and vintage evergreen songwriters. Plane highlights: Lufthansa pilots avoiding a tropical storm over Malabo, Equitorial Guinea, landing back in Lagos, refuelling and then flying on to Frankfurt.